Welcome to this blog about the network installation project. Here I will keep you up to date on a weekly basis.
This project has already started on the 26/04/2011 and the hand over date will be on the 17/06/2011.
The progress so far.........
As I already knew what i was going to do as a project, i went straight on to the presentation which i will present to the client the following day. I spent most of the day creating this presentation, looking for the best possible way to present it to the client.
The day of the presentation, i was the only one that used the OHP (over head projector) as i wanted it to be a good presentation. I believe i presented very well to the client and answered the questions constructively. I must admit that i got a bit confused with my network topologies but got my head around them in the end. Me and the client both agreed of what needs to be done and the project was finally accepted.
The next blog update will be on 7/05/2011